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360-degree Surveys & Psychometric Testing

We consult on Strategy, Operations and Human Engagement, the latter of which applies not only to your clients but also your people - your greatest (and most expensive) resource. 

Our surveys and tests provide you, and your employees, with valuable understanding and insights, and acting on the learnings results in improved productivity and teamwork. 


Be sure to scroll down to the bottom for some free tests that you can play with. 

Our Various Surveys & Tests

Feedback Rocket

360-degree survey

Authentic Leadership Assessment (ALA)

360-degree survey

Discovery Insights




The only 360 that enables anonymous workplace conversations that would never happen face-to-face. 

The ALA measures a person’s ability to create the conditions of STAR, namely: Sanctuary (psychological safety) Transparency, Authenticity and Responsibility.

A psychometric tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, Insights Discovery is built to help people understand themselves, understand others, and make the most of the relationships that affect them in the workplace.

The Enneagram is an archetypal framework that offers in-depth insight into individuals, groups and collectives. It consists of nine different aspects of human consciousness and personality, as well as varying levels of self-actualisation.  

Strength Finder


Details coming...

Client Psychometric Tests


Helping clients understand their relationship with their money is a critical component of financial planning. Having the tools and aids to do this professionally will form a valuable part of your onboarding process. Email us to stay informed. 

Free Tests

The following test are free - to a point - and offer good insight to anyone dabbling in the psychometric waters. 

16 Personalities


Only 10 minutes to get a freakishly accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.

How we self-sabotage. Take the assessment through Positive Intelligence:

Free tests

Financial Institution Consult (PTY) Ltd

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