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The Selling of Advice

Although your service is to provide advice, it still needs to be sold. We assist advice businesses with every aspect of selling, from design to execution. 

How it works

The financial planning profession is moving away from selling product for commission and financial services providers are repositioning their sales process to be more client-centric and relationship based. 


We work with our partner businesses to create recurring and once-off events that support them in both their design and their execution of the sales process. 




By way of an immersive workshop, we help you to create or enhance your sales philosophy and process. â€‹




We work closely with your team of advisors to drive them and hold them accountable to their goals and deliverables. 


This immersive approach to performance management is objective while deeply considering your philosophy, process and business objectives. It supports...


 ~ Regular 'sales' meetings

 ~ Pow-wows and Power Hours


And it considers...


 ~ Quantity versus Quality

 ~ KPIs & Scorecards


Some of our clients use us as an outsourced sales manager. ​​​Others invite us to sessions that they hold and we treat these as sales training events. 


Disclaimer - we fully support activity and chasing the numbers, but our own philosophy is that the numbers are reached by providing a professional financial planning service in which the clients, their needs and their circumstances are core. We support selling advice - not product - and building relationships of value. 

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